Get in Contact, Get Involved

The Women of Turkey Project is a collection of interviews with expat* women in Turkey. It is a way of sharing experiences and telling people’s stories.

There are a number of ways to be a part of The Women of Turkey Project:

  • Be interviewed and tell your story.
  • Nominate someone you know to have their story told.
  • Interview someone yourself and tell their story.
  • Follow this blog.
  • Like this blog’s page on facebook

You can get in contact with me directly by emailing me at

Or filling in the contact form at the bottom of this page.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Mary Yücel


*Note: I use the word “expat” quite loosely. Some expats have Turkish citizenship through marriage, some are Turkish by birth but were born and raised outside of Turkey, some have gained citizenship through petition and time spent in the country. I have left it up to the individual to decide if they count themselves as an expat and if they are willing to be interviewed as such.


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